LitRPG Forum

Xantar's Cave

There is a dingy looking doorway in front of you. It looks more like an entrance to a cave than a shop front. Over the door is the legend: Xantar's Cave, carved into a rocky part of the entrance way. Under it is a small copper placard: No Solicitors No Loiters No Rat tails!

Entering the shop your nose burns with the miasma of chemical scents and you start to sneeze. When your vision clears you make out a dingy shop bursting from the seams with books, strange devices, and a few racks of dusty weapons. The walls are covered with racks of alchemist equipment and bottles filled with more type of ingredients than you can count. A wizened old woman looks up and smiles at you from a worn shop counter. "Welcome dearie, I've been expecting you."
Shop Owner:
Joshua Bender
Sales Statistics:
38 Items Sold
Latest Customer:
Latest Sale:
Flask of Kava

Sales Totals

