[MEDIA] i review the brand spankin' new novel from Aaron Oster (author of Super Mage series)
I am going to go ahead and put you on my ARC reader list. hehe
up to 40k words and 10,000+ views on Royal Road
[MEDIA] take a look at my review of Dave Willmarth's newest series.
Good covers are what draws me to the books most of the time. It would be a risk in my opinion.
well, several authors say the longer the novel the better. I have 17,000 words done so far. I am going to shoot for 80,000-100,000 words at...
I am from the South. Grammar isn't my forte. It won't bother me. The only thing that will bother me is Eldertits dying or not being in the...
yeah, dude, send me a review copy and i will try to get it on my channel and on amazon by your launch date. Just do it soon because it takes me...
no problem. thank you
I am definitely looking forward to book two. I need more Eldertits. the description sounds really interesting.
*I was going to put this in the Works In Progess forum but it said I didn't have privileges to post there* This is my first attempt at writing a...
sorry i am just now seeing this. Certainly, I will be happy to take a look. Thank you.