How do you like your levels in LitRPG?

Discussion in 'All Things LitRPG' started by Jay, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Herko Kerghans

    Herko Kerghans Biased Survivor LitRPG Author Citizen

    Yeah, pretty much this.

    I was thinking this is seen in how Blizzard treats their Warcraft franchise across time and genres: the first Warcraft (the RTS of two decades ago) was dark and serious; whereas Hearthstone (the digital card game) is all goofyness, probably to allow for the more over-the-top design that card games need (and to make it palatable to a wider audience).

    In that sense, my hunch is that games will, on average, by "sillier" than books; no clear clue yet what LitRPG should aim for. =)

    Yyyep! =)

    And equipment is key, IMHO. In real life, a cop is on average tougher than a shopkeeper not just because of training (aka level), but because they usually wear some form of anti-ballistic protection (and, in the same vein, that's why a SWAT officer is on average tougher than a regular cop, and arguably a fully equiped SEAL or some other elite military force may be even tougher).

    In other words: different sets of mechanics (compare for example AD&D to Shadowrun) put different emphasis on how important your gear is, to the point in which some of them allow a naked high-level to beat a bunch of top-geared low-levels without breaking a sweat, while in other cases it's more along "only a fool brings a knife to a gunfight", without the foolish knife-wielder's level being a variable worth considering... =)
    Viergacht likes this.

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