Marvel Heroes Omega MMORPG

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Paul Bellow, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Paul Bellow

    Paul Bellow Forum Game Master Staff Member LitRPG Author Shop Owner Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, US
    You are here: Level One / Blog / Marvel Heroes Omega MMORPG

    Posted on July 14, 2017

    [​IMG]Marvel has never had a fantastic amount of luck with its video game properties. Most of what it put out prior to 2010 was largely in the realm of rushed tie-in products, with one or two games that really rose to the level of adequate. Things did, however, start to change once Marvel got serious about its movie properties and how they appealed to gamers.

    While many of these games were still hit or miss, it started to become apparent that the company really cared about its games. There are now a string of small titles that tend to fly under the radar but that have strong player bases. One of the most successful of these titles has been Marvel Heroes.

    Marvel Heroes began life as a free to play brawler on the PC. The game was very similar to bigger hits like Diablo, with the added bonus of being able to play Marvel characters. While the earlier iterations were a bit rough, the game improved by leaps and bounds. Now a bonafide success, the game has released on the Playstation 4 and XBox One under the new moniker Marvel Heroes Omega.

    One of the few fully-realized MMORPGs on the consoles, it now has a chance to really explode in popularity.
    Laendrea likes this.

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