Discussion in 'World Mechanics' started by Johan, Mar 28, 2020.

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  1. Johan

    Johan Level 18 (Magician) Exiles Beta Reader Citizen

    Looking into making a rank page
    Skill Ranks
    1. Novice: 1-9
    2. Initiate: 10-24
    3. Apprentice: 25-44
    4. Journeyman: 45-69
    5. Adept: 70-99
    6. Master: 100-149*
    7. Grand Master: 150*-???

    Magical ranks
    *typically follow skill pattern.
    1. Novice 0% resistance & power
    2. Initiate 5% resistnace & power
    3. Apprentice10% resistnace & power
    4. Journeyman20% resistance & power
    5. Adept35% resistance & power
    6. Master50% resistance & power
    7. Grand Master* ??% resistance & power

    1. Trash
    2. Poor
    3. Average
    4. Above Average
    5. Well Crafted
    6. Exceptional
    7. Superb
    8. Exquisite
    9. Masterwork

    Light Armor skill rankSpeed per pieceDodge*Casting*Others*

    Still trying to figure out the formatting
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
    PokemonThug and Andrew Lynas like this.
  2. Johan

    Johan Level 18 (Magician) Exiles Beta Reader Citizen

    Personal Relationship
    • -10) Soul Malice* (-250,000)*
    • -9) Blind Hatred* (-100,000)*
    • -8) Hatred* (-50,000 to -55,000)*
    • -7) Hatred* (-20,000 to -35,000)*
    • -6) Angry (-10,000).
    • -5) Distrust (-5,000).
    • -4) Distaste (-2,500).
    • -3) Apathetic (-1,000).
      • “Live… Die… Your fate matters not to me”
    • -2) Unfriendly (-500).
      • “You should stay away from me.”
    • -1) Irritable (-250).
      • “You're bothering me.”
    • -0) Neutral (0).
      • “Meh…”, “… meh…”
    • +1) Pleased (+250)
    • +2) Kind (+500).
      • “Please know that I am happy to help!”
    • +3) Friendly (+1,000).
      • “It has been too long since we have seen each other”
      • “It is nice to see you!”
      • “It has been too long since we’ve seen each other…”
    • +4) Happy (+2,500).
      • “It brings joy to my heart to see you!”
      • “I am pleased to see you.”
    • +5) Interested (+5,000).
      • “You intrigue me, I was thinking that we could…”
      • “You intrigue me, I was thinking we could…”
    • +6) Admiring (+10,000).
      • “I respect you. I am proud to have you in my life.”
    • +7) Steadfast (+20,000).
      • “I know I can rely upon you.”
      • “You are someone I can rely upon.”
    • +7) Trusted (+25,000). Book 3
    • +7) Trusted (+35,000). Book 2, 4, 7
      • “Your word is enough for me.”
    • +7) Trusting (+35,000). Book 6
      • “Your word is enough for me.”
    • +8) Loyal (+55,000)
      • “I will stand by you, come what may.”
    • +9) Kind (+100,000). Book 5
      • “You enemies have become my enemies. They shall fall before us!”
    • +9) Ally (+100,000).
      • “Your enemies have become my enemies. They will fall before us!”,
      • “Your enemies have become my enemies. I will help however I can. Together, we will crush them!”,
    • +10) Blood Brother (+250,000) Book 1
    • +10) Soul Blooded (+250,000) Book 7
    Settlement Relationship
    • -11*) (-250,000*)
    • -10*) (-100,000*)
    • -9*) (-55,000*)
    • -8*) (-35,000*)
    • -7*) (-20,000*)
    • -6*) (-10,000*)
    • -5*) (-5,000*)
    • -4*) Distaste (-2,500)
    • -3*) Apathetic (-1,000)
      • “We will not help you, but your people may survive… if you deserve it”
    • -2*) (-500*)
    • -1*) (-250*)
    • -+0) Neutral (+-0)
    • +1*) (+250*)
    • +2*) (+500*)
    • +3) Friendly (+1,000)
      • “I look forward to our future trading opportunities.”
    • +4*) (+2,5000*)
    • +5) Interested (+5,000)
    • +6*) (+10,000*)
    • +7) Steadfast (+20,000)
      • “You can call upon us in need.”
    • +8*) Trusted (+35,000)
      • “We trust your people to adhere to your word and feel comfortable placing our faith in you.”
    • +9*) Loyal (+55,000)
      • “We will stand by you through good times and bad. May our friendship be everlasting. May our enemies fear our might.”
    • +10*) Ally (+100,000)
      • “Call upon us and we will answer. Let us be bonded by ties of honor, friendship and trade.”
    • +11*) (+250,000*)
    Book 1

    Congratulations! You have gained +4,768 Relationship Points with Sion! Your relationship with Sion has improved from Distrust (-5,000) to Irritable (-250). “You're bothering me.” Total Relationship Points with the Sion: -317.

    Congratulations! You have gained +12,500 Relationship Points with Sion! Your relationship with the Sion has improved from Irritable (-250) to Admiring (+10,000). “I respect you. I am proud to have you in my life.” Total Relationship Points with the Sion: +12,283

    Congratulations! Your settlement has gained +40,000 Relationship Points with the Hearth Tree! The relationship of the Mist Village has improved with wood sprites of the Hearth Tree from Friendly (+1000) to Trusted (+35,000) Total Relationship Points with the Hearth Tree: +42,199

    Congratulations! You have gained +300,000 Relationship Points with Sion! Your relationship with your Companion Sion has improved from Friendly (+1000) to Blood Brother (+250,000). Sion will fight with you and for you unto death, and if he can find a way back through the veil, will fight for you again. Total Relationship Points with the Sion: +312,283

    Congratulations! You have gained +1,142 Relationship Points with Terrod! Your relationship with Terrod has improved from Neutral (0) to Friendly (+1,000). “It has been too long since we have seen each other” Total Relationship Points with Terrod: +1,264

    Congratulations! You have gained +4,567 Relationship Points with Leandra! Your relationship with the Leandra has improved from Friendly (+1,000) to Interested (+5000). “You intrigue me, I was thinking that we could…” Total Relationship Points with the Leandra: +5,835

    Congratulations! You have gained +100,000 Relationship Points with Terrod! Your relationship with Terrod has improved from Friendly (+1,000) to Ally (+100,000) . “Your enemies have become my enemies. They will fall before us!” Total Relationship Points with Terrod: +101,264

    Book 2

    Congratulations! You have gained +1,250 Relationship Points with The Royal Pixie Queen! Your relationship with the Royal Pixie Queen has improved from Neutral (0) to Friendly (1,000). “It is nice to see you!” Total Relationship Points with the Royal Pixie Queen: +1,250.

    warded proportionally. Reward: +60,000 Relationship Points with Elora. Reward: 1,250 Experience (base 1,000 x 1.25). Bonus Reward: A New Companion. Bonus Reward: 5,000 Experience (base 4,000 x 1.25). Your relationship with Elora, the Royal Pixie Queen, has improved from Friendly (+1000) to Loyal (+55,000). “I will stand by you, come what may.” Total Relationship Points with the Royal Pixie Queen: +61,250.

    Congratulations! You have gained +100,000 Relationship Points with Hisako! Your relationship with Hisako has improved from Trusted (+35,000) to Ally (+100,000). “Your enemies have become my enemies. I will help however I can. Together, we will crush them!” Total Relationship Points with the Hisako: +132,700.

    Congratulations! The Mist Village has gained +100,000 Relationship Points with the Wood Sprites of the Hearth Tree! The relationship of the Wood Sprites of the Hearth Tree to the Mist Village has improved from Trusted (+35,000) to Ally (+100,000). “Call upon us and we will answer. Let us be bonded by ties of honor, friendship and trade.” Total Relationship Points with the Wood Sprites of the Hearth Tree: +112,500.

    Congratulations! You have gained +5,000 Relationship Points with Krom! Your relationship with Krom has improved from Friendly (1,000) to Interested (5,000). “You intrigue me, I was thinking we could…” Total Relationship Points with the Krom: +6,100.

    Congratulations! You have gained +300 Relationship Points with Yoshi! Your relationship with Yoshi has improved from Irritable (-250) to Neutral (0). “Meh…” Total Relationship Points with the Yoshi: +40.

    Book 3

    Congratulations! You have gained +2,650 Relationship Points with Sedrin! Your relationship with the Sedrin has improved from Distaste (-2500) to Neutral (0). Total Relationship Points with the Sedrin: +73.

    Your relationship with the Isabella has improved from Friendly (+1,000) to Trusted (+25,000). Total Relationship Points with the Isabella: +29,583.

    Book 4

    Congratulations! You have gained 37,250 Relationship Points with Isabella! Your relationship with the Isabella has improved from Friendly (+1,000) to Trusted (+35,000). “Your word is good enough for me.” Total Relationship Points with the Isabella: +38,562.

    Congratulations! You have gained +80,000 Relationship Points with Isabella! Your relationship with the Isabella has improved from Trusted (+35,000) to Ally (+100,000). “Your enemies will become my enemies. They shall fall before us!” Total Relationship Points with the Isabella: +112,562.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
    Andrew Lynas likes this.
  3. Johan

    Johan Level 18 (Magician) Exiles Beta Reader Citizen

    Congratulations! You have gained +1,125 Relationship Points with Abbas! Your relationship with Abbas has increased from Neutral (0) to Friendly (+1000). “It has been too long since we have seen each other” Total Relationship Points with the Abbas: +1,125.

    Congratulations! The Mist Village has gained +1,125 Relationship Points with the Company of the White Pearl! The relationship of the Mist Village and the Company of the White Pearl has increased from Neutral (0) to Friendly (+1000). “I look forward to our future trading opportunities.” Total Relationship Points with the Company of the White Pearl: +32,562.

    Congratulations! You have gained +2,000 Relationship Points with Sumiko! Your relationship with the Sumiko has improved from Friendly (+1,000) to Happy (+2,500). “It brings joy to my heart to see you!” Total Relationship Points with the Sumiko: 29,583.

    Book 5

    Congratulations! You have gained +301 Relationship Points with Bea! Your relationship with Bea has improved from Irritable (-250) to Neutral. “… meh…” Total Relationship Points with the Bea: +5.

    Your relationship with Bea has improved from Neutral (0) to Kind (+500). “Please know that I am happy to help!” Total Relationship Points with the Bea: +567

    Your relationship with Elora has improved from Loyal (+55,000) to Kind (+100,000). “You enemies have become my enemies. They shall fall before us!” Total Relationship Points with the Elora: +218,552

    Congratulations! You have gained +1,018 Relationship Points with Cettiona! Your relationship with Cettiona has improved from Pleased (+250) to Friendly (+1,000). “It has been too long since we’ve seen each other…” Total Relationship Points with the Cettiona: +1,357.

    Book 6

    Your generous gift has moved Caulder. You have gained +242 Relationship Points. Total Relationship Points: +5,368 Congratulations! Your relationship with Caulder has improved from Happy (+2500) to Interested (+5,000). “You intrigue me. I was thinking that we could…”

    Due to the death of his wife Amara, you lost 15,342 Relationship Points with Rino. Total Relationship Points: -586 Your relationship with Rino has decreased from Admiring (+10,000) to Unfriendly (+500). “You should stay away from me.”

    Due to avenging the death of her husband Nitol, and agreeing to bring vengeance upon those who sent his killers, you have gained 1,638 Relationship Points with Fopana. Total Relationship Points: +25,032. Your relationship with Fopana has increased from Admiring (+10,000) to Trusting (+35,000). “Your word is enough for me.”

    You have received +500 (base +250) Relationship Points with Hisako. Current Relationship: Ally. Total Relationship Points: 102,378.

    The Mist Village has received +500 (base +250) Relationship Points with the Hearth Tree. Current Relationship: Ally. Total Relationship Points: 101,411.

    For being honest and improving his mission’s chance of success, you have gained 312 Relationship Points with Yoshi. Total Relationship Points: 2,574. Congratulations! Your relationship with Sword Adept Yoshi has increased from Friendly (+1,000) to Happy (+2,500). “I am pleased to see you.”

    For your generous gift, you have gained 311 Relationship Points with Terrod. Total Relationship Points: 28,186

    For releasing the troll mercenaries, you have gained 1,750 (base 3,500) Relationship Points with Vulzal. Total Relationship Points: -897 Congratulations! Your relationship with Vulzal of the Shattered Bone Clan has improved from Distaste (-2,500) to Apathetic (-1,000). “Live… Die… Your fate matters not to me”

    For releasing the troll mercenaries, the Mist Village has gained 1,875 (base 1,250) Relationship Points with the Shattered Bone Clan. An unknown factor has influenced this. Total Relationship Points: -756 Congratulations! The relationship of the Mist Village with the trolls of the Shattered Bone Clan has improved from Distaste (-2,500) to Apathetic (-1,000). “We will not help you, but your people may survive… if you deserve it”

    Book 7

    Your desire to serve your people, as well as rule them, has moved Randolphus. You have gained +731 Relationship Points. Total Relationship Points: +20,517 Congratulations! Your relationship with Randolphus has improved from Admiring (+10,000) to Steadfast (+20,000). “I know I can rely upon you.”

    You have gained +11,178 Relationship Points with Ran’dolphinius. Total Relationship Points: +31,695.

    You have gained +3,549 Relationship Points with Ran’dolphinius. Total Relationship Points: +35,244. Congratulations! Your relationship with Ran’dolphinius has improved from Steadfast (+20,000) to Trusted (+35,000). “Your word is enough for me.”

    Reward: +15,000 (base 5,000 x 3) Relationship Points with kindir elders. Total Relationship Points: +14,659

    Congratulations! Your Relationship with Flitwalker, Glintgrabber and Jewel has improved from Irritable (Level -1: -250 RP) to Admiring (Level +6: +10,000 RP). “I respect you. I am proud to have you in my life.”

    Reward: +15,000 (base 5,000 x 3) settlement Relationship Points of the Kindir Hamlet towards the Mist Village. Total Relationship Points: +22,813

    Congratulations! The Relationship of the Kindir Hamlet and the Mist Village has improved from Interested (Level +3: +5000 RP) to Steadfast (Level 7: +20,000 RP). “You can call upon us in need.”

    Congratulations! Your thoughtful and magnanimous gift has greatly impressed the kindir elders. You have gained +7,500 Relationship Points with the kindir elders. Total Relationship Points: +22,159 Congratulations! Your relationship with Flitwalker, Glintgrabber and Jewel has improved from Admiring (+10,000) to Steadfast (+20,000). “You are someone I can rely upon.”

    Your continued generosity is appreciated by Caulder. You have gained +233 Relationship Points. Total Relationship Points: +5,601

    Reward: +25,000 personal Relationship Points with the kindir of Verget Kunig.
    Reward: +30,000 settlement Relationship Points of the Kindir Hamlet of Verget Kunig towards the Mist Village. Total Relationship Points: +52,813

    Congratulations! The Relationship of the Kindir Hamlet and the Mist Village has improved from Steadfast (+20,000) to Trusted (+35,000). “We trust your people to adhere to your word and feel comfortable placing our faith in you.”

    +4,180 (base +2,090 x 2) settlement Relationship Points of the Kindir Hamlet of Verget Kunig towards the Mist Village. Total Relationship Points: +56,993 Congratulations! The Relationship of the Kindir Hamlet and the Mist Village has improved from Trusted (+35,000) to Loyal (+55,000). “We will stand by you through good times and bad. May our friendship be everlasting. May our enemies fear our might.” Know This! The relationship of your village with a Minor Tribe, the Hamlet of Verget Kunig, has progressed to the rank of Loyalty. You may now adopt them as a Vassal State.

    That’s why our relationship has gone all the way down to hatred. Well, that and the fact that I’ve drugged you and broken your jaw, huh?

    Lord Richter! You have fulfilled the most Heartfelt Desire of Sumiko. In doing so you have gained the maximum number of Relationship Points possible for a single action. +250,000 Relationship Points with Sumiko. Total Relationship Points: +311,154 Congratulations! Your relationship with Sumiko has improved from Loyal (+55,000) to Soul Blooded (+250,000). Sumiko will fight by your side unto death, and if she can ever find her way back through the veil, she will fight for you again.

    Between your domination of its will and its new nature, your relationship with Void Chain Mauler has devolved from Blind Hatred to Soul Malice! You have gained your second Mortal Enemy! The Void Chain Mauler will stop at nothing to destroy you!

    You have gained +6,612 (base 8,816 – 25%) Relationship Points for gifting them with the severed head of their enemy. +1,875 Relationship Points (base +2,500 – 25% for Deadly Charisma Boon) Total Relationship Points: -1,906 (base 2,118 +10% for Deadly Charisma Boon) Congratulations! Your relationship with the vampires Lucasz and Mikaal has improved from Angry (-10,000) to Apathetic (-1,000). “Live… die… your fate matters not to me.”
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
    Dragon and Andrew Lynas like this.
  4. Johan

    Johan Level 18 (Magician) Exiles Beta Reader Citizen

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020

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