Trophies Awarded to rain_

  1. 180 Days
    Awarded: Jul 27, 2023

    180 Days

    Experience Points: 10

    You've been on the site for 180 days! Wow!

  2. Wow, You're Well Liked
    Awarded: Jan 10, 2023

    Wow, You're Well Liked

    Experience Points: 5

    Half your posts have been liked. Keep up the great work.

  3. You Did Good, Kid
    Awarded: Jan 10, 2023

    You Did Good, Kid

    Experience Points: 2

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!

  4. Making Money Now
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    Making Money Now

    Experience Points: 5

    You've amassed a small fortune and not banked it. Brave!

  5. Roleplaying Bonus!
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    Roleplaying Bonus!

    Experience Points: 2

    You have a magic 20-sided die. May it always come up Nat 20!

  6. [Quest] Light the Way!
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    [Quest] Light the Way!

    Experience Points: 10

    You've found out how to navigate into the depths of the deep, dark cave. Congrats!

  7. [Quest] Buy Items
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    [Quest] Buy Items

    Experience Points: 2

    Congratulation on buying at least two items. +2 xp! Keep it up and enhance your experience here at LitRPG Forum.

  8. Making Bank
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    Making Bank

    Experience Points: 2

    Wow, you've been collecting gold. Great job!

  9. First Message
    Awarded: Dec 4, 2022

    First Message

    Experience Points: 1

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.