Last Activity:
Oct 19, 2018
Sep 11, 2018

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Level 6 (Footpad), Male

LitRPG Author Citizen Aspiring Writer
RedCulver was last seen:
Oct 19, 2018
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    Dungeons & Dragons (B/X, 5th Edition); Blades in the Dark
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    1. Robe of the Writer Robe of the Writer

      Robe of the Writer

      Sep 21, 2018, Clothes
      Protects (somehow, magically) the writer from barbs hurled by readers or other authors. (Changes your postbit to green - #96E87A) Must be an Aspiring Writer or LitRPG Author.
    2. Boots of the Sneak Boots of the Sneak

      Boots of the Sneak

      Sep 21, 2018, Clothes
      These stylish boots point out the fact you're involved in thievery, but you don't care because of the permanent +2% steal chance. Only so many pairs are available at a time.
    3. Long Scarf Long Scarf

      Long Scarf

      Sep 21, 2018, Clothes
      Attached to this long scarf, hidden from view except from the careful eye, you spy a key to the Tardis. Seeking adventures through time and space, you offer to buy the Fourth Doctor's scarf for a measly 50 gold. To your utter surprise, he agrees, taking it off and tossing it in your direction. (Grants access to Inside the Tardis.)
    4. Torch Torch


      Sep 21, 2018, Items
      A nifty torch that allows you access into the "Deep, Dark Cave" forum!
    5. Used Typewriter Used Typewriter

      Used Typewriter

      Sep 21, 2018, Items
      This ancient machine will allow you entry into the Aspiring Writer Guild!
    6. Aspiring Writer Badge Aspiring Writer Badge

      Aspiring Writer Badge

      Sep 21, 2018, Items
      This will add the "Aspiring Writer" badge to your profile in the forums.
    7. Discarded Newspaper Discarded Newspaper

      Discarded Newspaper

      Sep 21, 2018, Items
      Are you a news junkie? Information hound? Want to know the whole story? This old school newspaper will open up The Newsroom here at LitRPG Forum, for people wanting a possibly edited and easily digested summary of the week's news? Or a faster pace? With this newspaper, you can join other like-minded individuals and help shape something special.