Last Activity:
Dec 15, 2023
Jan 17, 2020

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Level 8 (Thug), Male

Roleplaying Exiles Beta Reader Citizen
SnackBarbarian was last seen:
Dec 15, 2023
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    Currently Playing:
    Total War 3k
    Total war Warhammer soon
    Mount and Blade
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    1. Beta Blade Beta Blade

      Beta Blade

      Feb 7, 2020, Weapons
      The hilt looks like an eye on this blade because as a beta reader, your eagle eyes are highly valued. Buy this item to let authors and others know you're up for beta reading something until it moves no more. (Adds you to the group Beta Reader. You will get a badge.)
    2. Acutus Acutus


      Feb 7, 2020, Weapons
      The unique blade that cuts through atoms. As featured in 'The Siege of Mettleburg'

      (Gives xp if you own it long enough.)
    3. Sword of Sands Sword of Sands

      Sword of Sands

      Feb 7, 2020, Weapons
      Featured in Human, Tower of Gates Book Two, this weapon grants you access to the Paul Bellow Guild.
    4. Boots of the Sneak Boots of the Sneak

      Boots of the Sneak

      Feb 7, 2020, Clothes
      These stylish boots point out the fact you're involved in thievery, but you don't care because of the permanent +2% steal chance. Only so many pairs are available at a time.
    5. Dragon's Fire Dragon's Fire

      Dragon's Fire

      Feb 7, 2020, Items
      A heart-stone imbued with dragon's fire. Useful for a weapon or various alchemical processes.
    6. Wyvern Scales Wyvern Scales

      Wyvern Scales

      Feb 7, 2020, Armor
      The shed scales of a wyvern. Quite useful for making various forms of armor that protect against dragons and their kin.
    7. 20-Sided Die 20-Sided Die

      20-Sided Die

      Feb 7, 2020, Items
      This magic 20-sided die signifies that you're currently roleplaying and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Can be turned on and off. Does not expire.
    8. Acutus Acutus


      Feb 7, 2020, Weapons
      The unique blade that cuts through atoms. As featured in 'The Siege of Mettleburg'

      (Gives xp if you own it long enough.)
    9. Caffeinated Red Ball of Heart Palpitations Caffeinated Red Ball of Heart Palpitations

      Caffeinated Red Ball of Heart Palpitations

      Feb 7, 2020, Items
      Energy ball. +100 mg of Caffeine while in your inventory! Stacks with itself!

      Warning: Too many Caffeinated Red Balls can causes your body to involuntarily vibrate.