I blame a lot of it on the media not doing their job. That and our education slipping lower and lower. Don't get me started on "higher eduction" Heh.
I just hope society manages to trundle along until I die. At my age I don't want to have to cope without toilet paper, blood pressure medication and fast food. Y'all can go Mad Max once I kick off.
Propaganda http://www.smithsonianmag.com/histo...achine-changed-american-journalism-180963082/ It is not a coincidence that the gold standard was thrown out only a few years later.. Nor the fact that the 16th amendment was enacted around the same time frame. (some say it was no legally passed..Have no opinion on that myself seeing i was no alive at the time to witness the travesty first hand.) I would like to see a Constitutional law put into place, One that would require media/news/politicians to place their word of honor on what they say/broadcast/write/etc. If it is found the person/organization is spreading false or misleading information than a major fine/ loss of political position would be given. Sadly this will never happen in my opinion. Those who enjoy spreading shit.. (lets me honest..99.9% of what comes out of politicians/media etc is SHIT) will never let something like this pass. Honesty is not something these people even know how to define properly let alone have the decency to practice. Education..............Yea.. It was a joke when i Graduated.. Even more of a Joke now days. Oh the Science's and Math are covered well enough.. But the history has been so polluted with agenda's and outright revisionist bullshit ..Well mehh A good definition of political parties in the US. (just focusing on Dems/Rep here) Definition = Two groups of assholes who want to force the citizens of the country into what they think is the right way to do things. Nether group actually cares what the people they represent want, Both groups will do and say anything to remain in office. Dem philosophy = Rob everyone to pay for programs that government has no business being involved in ..Raise taxes on everyone but the poor.. Especially the evil rich people and corps!!! Rep philosophy = Rob everyone but the rich, spend billions/trillions on learning how to kill people more efficiently .. Raise Taxes on everyone but corp's and the rich. The US used to be the Land of the Free, home of the brave.. Today..What i see is anything but freedom and bravery. More like Land of the Regulation and tax, home of the overworked. I would say..That the last time we had a semblance of real freedom in this country was before 1910-1920 you and me both.. I know for a fact that i would not want to live through it...Given the choice lol
Yes, I learned my lesson the hard way. Lost a bundle trying to steal from someone. My inner thief has be locked in chains and throw into the dungeon.