Favorite trope is actually Harem, Reverse Harem, or some other kind of poly arrangement. In a game world without pregnancy or STIs, it makes sense to me that the pull toward monogamy just isn't going to be as great as it is IRL. That doesn't mean it's always done well, but it makes sense to me that this would be explored within this particular genre. Least favorite trope that I've been seeing is the game within a game -- often some sort of contest where death is a likely result of failing to win. It becomes a structure that takes the place of more complex plotting, often, but the author often also fails to sell me on the motivations for the entrants, who just don't have a good reason for risking their lives. (Unless there are free corpse runs, or some other thing that makes death not matter.)
Check out Roguelike. I think I did the game-in-a-game well. Could be wrong, tho! Heh. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H8MYZ7M
Speaking of tropes has anybody read The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper # 1, a LitRPG. Revised Edition. (ATS) by Alvin Atwater? I had it in my library for a while before I picked it up and started reading it. Fricken hilarious. Its predictibe if you are an anime fan but funny non the less. I sat an binge read the series in a few days. Can't wait for 5 to come out.
I think you might enjoy my series 'The Apprentice of Arabella" The MC is a good guy bad situation but is still trying to be himself and do right by others.