RANT Race: To be or not to be

Discussion in 'All Things LitRPG' started by RauthrMystic, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. Jay

    Jay Hiatus. LitRPG Author Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Building out rather than up makes sense since I don't think centaurs would likely have many stairs and certainly wouldn't be climbing ladders. Low, wide, sturdy stairs would be possible, but they'd have to be big enough and solid enough for a four-legged equine-like body to move comfortably. I could see them having individual homes that are close to each other, perhaps connected to a "main room" where they eat and spend time together?

    I would think centaurs have a sense of self and individuality but are taught that the herd comes first. Horses aren't exactly super stagnant and obedient to each other in herds; ranks and such are very dynamic. So I imagine centaurs are probably the same; there's trying for positions and renown, rivalries, arguments, but the good of all is highly important to them. Everything else probably comes second to protecting the herd and its future (the children). Power struggles and jockeying for rank is probably a part of life and expected. A centaur that doesn't want to move up is probably old and retired, or injured so aware they can't really hold the rank. The Matriarch would likely only be one for as long as she's fit and her choices sound. Too many mistakes or bad luck while she's in charge probably has someone moving in to take her position. Herds likely even split if two strong enough leaders emerge. Horse herds can do the same thing when they get too big.

    I don't really think there's a lot of sneaky backstabbing as that goes against the policy of honesty and trust, but there's no doubt an awareness that if one doesn't keep their rank by intelligence and strength, the herd is going to start looking to someone else. It might be the Matriarch's own daughter, who has been groomed to take over for her, or her sister, etc. I would think that if a position is won fairly, there wouldn't be a lot of resentment. They might consider it the will of the gods or acknowledge that their time has passed. Some might even step down without too much of a fight if they feel someone else can do the job better. Of course, some would probably fight back and refuse to be pushed from their place as hard as they could. Ritualized duels to prove strength and ability might be a thing for both sexes as a lot of animals fight for rank. There's probably some strict rules about weapons, what is allowed, and it's likely not to the death in most cases though. Of course, more civilized herds might have votes instead of in-fighting so it really depends on that sort of thing as well.

    Males are probably more aggressive and more eager to fight than most females. Exceptions are out there, of course, but stallions probably settle things physically a lot more than the mares. The females might posture or make some noise and whosever nerve breaks first loses. Males are probably going to actually spar and fight a bit to see who is the more dominant, although it likely tends to break up fairly quickly on average. Fights to the death are likely very, very rare as losing a strong member, even if older, is going to hurt the herd.

    I think they might trade weapons because it depends on if centaurs have access to their own blacksmithing naturally. Normally nomadic people don't as it requires mining, digging, and special buildings for example. So centaurs might have stone, bone, and more simple weapons on their own and trade with other races for metals. I could see them trading for spices, silks, and things like that as well though! It would all depend on where they're from, what they farm (if they farm) and what they have access to depending on if they're a nomadic herd or one that's settled. I could see centaur-made leather armour and archery equipment being extremely desired by other races since that seems to me to be things they would excel at. Having a centaur custom make you a bow would probably be highly valued and pretty pricey as they would likely have techniques that were specific to their people and herd. There's a lot of interesting potential and I could see them loving art, trinkets, and fancy weave-patterns for example. It's also an interesting idea that they might view merchants as dishonest and not quite trustworthy, but traders as honourable. Perhaps because in the centaur's mind, merchants want only to profit themselves but traders do it for the good of their community?

    And for forest centaurs, it depends on what kind of deer you mean! Do you mean lanky little whitetails? Or are we talking elk and moose, which are easily as big as a good-sized horse! Moose aren't exactly incredibly graceful, but they can move silently, weigh easily over 1,000 lbs a lot of the time, and are incredibly tough and strong. I was thinking forest centaurs might be huge and solid-boned, not quite as chunky on average as big draft horses, but thick bones, wide hooves, and similar to moose be good at "ghosting" through the forest in a way that's surprising for such a big creature. Granted, that might be the ones from northern forests. Ones from farther south might be smaller, more lean and agile more like smaller deer?
    RauthrMystic likes this.
  2. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    I'm tired so I likely won't do your post the justice it deserves.

    I agree on the rooms. I like the idea of a bunch of rooms surrounding a common room. The common room is where much of the eating and socializing happens, though they probably welcome eachother in their rooms too. I think there could be a chance here to show the dichotomy of these people, whose roots are nomadic but they have also settled down. There would be a main fire, like a nomadic tribe would make to cook their kill. the ground at the fire could be just tamped down earth (it would keep heat from passing through the stone). Around that main room would be cloth, some of which would show great moments of the herd/clan etc however it gives a feeling like they are in a tent. I see either a conical roof, with an extra 'roof' that covers the smoke allowing the smoke to get out of the building but not have to worry about rain/snow/weather. OR it's long and rectangular, the roof would be steep, wiht a similar situation where there is a small roof that oversits the peak to let out fire. I suppose there could be both types. In colder climates it's more likely to have thick stone walls. The individual rooms could be curtained off with another tapestry type thing of some sort. It's hard for me to see them having doors. It wouldn't occur to them to steal something from someone else in the herd. I like that it gives them a place to put their own trinkets, and have their own 'me' time. good idea.

    Oh goodness, Politics. UGH. Okay within the males I certainly see a fierce jockeying [punny huh?] for various positions...or perhaps position. The males would need ranks within ranks if that makes sense. It makes it hard on those at the bottomof the pile but makes room for the constant fighting for position, allowing it to constantly change without affecting the overall structure of the herd. As to the Matriarch I kind of see her as older. Her daughters have daughters who may have daughters. She has her rank by giving birth to many generations of strong children, she's dedicated to 'the good' of the herd, and she's proven herself (somehow). I'm not saying she's ancient by any means, nor that she is now barren. However it's important for her to be beyond the 'rutting' season so that she can keep a clear head and rule with wisdom. Her daughters would likely sit on various councils and report back to her for the main governing. Your right that if she's unfit for rulership that she would be retired (by choice or by force). I just think that there is less 'jockeying' that occurs within the ranks of the females, atleast those that have proven themselves to be of matriarch status (which is more than just having a child).

    I agree that I have a hard time seeing the centaurs being deceitful. At least not on purpose. If we go by the traits of "Sagittarius" the centaur, then they are very blunt. Like the arrow, it leaves their mouth and hurts when it hits the mark, and they have no idea that they might have hurt you. Their culture is just so different from humans. I think the idea of ritualized combat is a good idea. they probably have similar things for their religious festivals. Also killing an elder would be taboo. Your right, the strength of the herd needs wisdom. Though I'm sure leaders have a way to deal with those elders who are losing themselves. Course they aren't human so they might not age like we do in that regard. Just stay calm and placid with good 'horse sense".

    You know, it hadn't occurred to me that the centaurs may not know how to smelt metals. I have a hard time seeing how that could've happend. I mean humans figured out how to use stone efficiently first, but they eventually figured out how to make metal and they didn't mine for it. Least not till they figured out how to make metal lol see that cycle i just created? I can see that mining however, would be something that the vast majority of centaurs would naturally be uncomfortable with. they would need to create rather large and open caverns to mine in if/when they mine. I see where your going though. I just think they moved beyond stone long before they started to build their cities (Even if they are few). Centaur bows might compete with elves. though i don't think we should limit them to that, they've been successfully hunting with spears for a long time. The thing with centaur weapons is that they might be too big or too tough. Like the bow draw strength for example might be one that requires the strongest of humans/elves/dwarves etc to pull back. The spears that might only be shoulder height to our centaur and perfect for slinging at prey would tower over many other races.

    I love the idea of merchants vs traders! thanks for putting it into words. Yes. The trader is invested in the herd, the merchant is invested in themselves (and or their partners in business). Traders are valued for what they bring and I imagine it's an impromptu festival when their party comes in. children running around excitedly, getting news of the world outside, reacquainting with the herd members. It would be a joy.

    OH I see. You should have just said Moose. That makes sense. They are a bit further north, but I absolutely see the centaur there. I know have an image of one just lazily walking across a river, no worries about anything near by. I will say that is one thing I wouldn't mind our centaurs having: Horns and or Antlers. in the north trees are further a part making it easier to traverse. So yes, bigger there and a smaller, springier breed down south. Course who knows how many are represented in the herds as they cultivated a civilization. A herd probably has multiple types that work well in the environment. Like your less likely to see the 'moose' centaur in the desert.
    Jay likes this.
  3. Jay

    Jay Hiatus. LitRPG Author Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    I like that idea. They likely don't have heavy doors, but depending on where they live, they'd probably have a covering to keep out wind, snow, etc. I can definitely see a group fire and a similar design to what you're saying. I don't see a lot of chairs, but I would bet they have something like soft "nests" on the ground with lots of dried grasses or furs to cushion against the ground. I actually see them having "leans" because horses can lock their knees, but often like to lean against another horse or a tree when relaxing. So they might have padded "leans" so those who want to stay on their feet can relax more easily as well. I see them keeping more furniture toward the sides to give plenty of room for people to move through the main spaces. Probably having padded legs on leans and tables is a thing because their legs don't have a ton of covering below the knee/hocks; like horses, it's mostly just a thin layer of skin over bone. So scraping that or knocking that would be painful and dangerous. It's the reason you normally see horses with "boots" or wrappings around their legs when they're jumping, cutting, or doing other competitions.

    I can definitely see that being the way a Matriarch works. I expect they tend to choose somewhat older females (probably 30+ human equivalent, depending on how they age) because they would want someone mature, experienced, and that had at least a few foals. I suspect centaurs are probably physically capable of having a foal every year, but that's probably pretty tough on the body. I'd think having one every 2-3 years is far more common, likely starting at a fairly young age (probably human equivalent of 20 or so) since continuing the herd and family is a big thing. So by 30, a female could potentially have 2-4 children pretty easily, depending at how common twins are. I assume fairly rare so actually having twins would probably be a big rank thing as it would make the female "extra fertile" and "extra blessed" by their gods.

    I would think centaurs could easily learn to smelt, it's just more a question of availability. If they're mostly plains creatures, there's not a lot of metals to be found on the plains. And actually mining has been around a very, very long time. There are flint mines from 3000 BC out there for example. Around 2000 BC, the Egyptians were mining copper and precious gems. Basically onces humans settled in a place, they started digging and quitely found out that finding metals were easier to come by in the earth rather than on it. So it would be less they would have no idea how to work it and more that their culture (if nomadic) would mean that metals would be in pretty short supply for them. So they would likely have to trade for the ores or refined metals. Most metals can be found either in rocks (sometimes close to the surface) or along rivers so it wouldn't be completely alien, but yes, that's what I was meaning. They likely would not be very comfortable in a mining situation. A more open quarry would be doable, but that would require them spending literal years in that one place. Now, they could leave it and move on and come back next year, but with that, they'd have twice the work because they'd have to uncover the parts that nature had "redone" in the time passing, plus there's always a chance someone else could move in and claim that land.

    And true! Bows was just meant as an example. I can actually see them being very good with spears, javelins, and polearms in additions to bows and probably slings. I don't think the standard crossbow (since you traditionally have to step on it to pull it back so that might be a bit awkward for them). I don't know that size would be a problem since I don't really picture the human half being any bigger than a humans. The "lower body" is horse-sized, but I picture them being a smallish horse (not a pony, but not a MASSIVE horse most of the time). There are exceptions for "big drafter" types and the "heavy knights" but the average centaur is probably about "normal human sized" on the torso and the equine body is probably just 13-14 hands so a smallish horse. I'd say they probably average about 6.5 to 7 feet tall from hoof to head. The draw strength might be a problem since I do picture them being a bit stronger than a human naturally. That's a good point with spears though! They might be longer for a centaur. Hmm...

    Ohh, in one of my favorite old games, Heroes of Might and Magic, their centaurs are called "horses" but actually have some interesting deer/gazelle kind of qualities. They do have horns and cloven hooves in their later designs. I actually really like their take on centaurs too.

    RauthrMystic likes this.
  4. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    OMG That centaur is amazing! I love how agile that build would make them (asuming agility is more movement based and dexterity is more fine functioning)! Horns and antlers would add more diversity, though it would complicate architecture lol

    On the Matriarchy I'm glad we'd agree. If having 2-4 children is common then the Matriarch would likely double that at least. She has forsaken the life of the warrior, priest(ess), crafter, messenger, etc for being a mother. Though that would bring up a possible problem. If she hasn't interacted much with the world then how does she prove her wisdom? The Matriarch is the wisest of the matriarchs and while I am sure raising that many young brings it's own type of knowledge I can't say it's the kind of wisdom that would lead an entire culture of people. I do like the idea of a few 'centers of power'. The circular city I mentioned earlier, made mostly of stone (likely quarried locally...I can't believe I didn't think of open face mining! Look at you being all knowing and stuff) would probably keep the youngest, perhaps during those school years to 13ish? Also those training to be priest(ess)s would be there. Perhaps it is those folk who are directed to protect the centaurs most precious resource: their children. I imagine there are Masters that stay as well. They've spent decades traveling and honing their craft, now they just roam locally if they feel the need and focus on their craft. The oldest would likely be at the temple, receiving what care is needed. However most of the male herds and many herds of 'maidens' likely travel a lot. Following the food. I imagine that each 'herd' would have at least one trader, but likely more with various products for the herd. They also act as guards on the centaurs land, these nomadic herds. I also think there are the 'gypsy' like centaurs who never settle down. Each of the traveler herds would likely be smaller than the average herd, but they'd stay away longer. Which means they also end up with the most exotic goods to trade! SOOO to tie this in the matriarchy above I think it would very important for the matriarchs to travel extensively when they are young. Experience different races and cultures, maybe even to the point of living a few years within a specific culture (after all not all matriarchs can be THE Matriarch and she needs solid council). Hmm becoming a matriarch is getting harder and harder here...which is as it should be methinks!

    I love that floor plan. I hadn't imagined any furniture in the common room. I didn't know about the leaning bit. I knew the often 'slept' standing, but I also know that they can lay down. I have this image stuck in my head of chaise that is set higher off the floor with a sharp angle and each end curling, the bottom curling up to essentially 'cup' the horse bum. I had never thought about the shins, but that makes complete sense. I see high furniture, pillar tables and I like the idea of 'leans'. We might as well take advantage of the natural behaviors that already exist. I do like the idea of their rooms, the individual ones, being very 'nest' like. Meaning its soft and comforts their body (and if it's like my room there is NO outside light!). I suppose it's likely that they build their beds higher off the ground as well. While they certainly can kneel I can't imagine it being something they'd want to do regularly to dig around their chest, or drawers or cubbies or what have you. I certainly don't like it.

    I see what you mean about the mining. Even if they do have mines that they are working (those relativly close to their 'cities') they're likely to be few and far between. The centaurs aren't likely to set up a settlement to simply mine, even if it's an open pit mine. Though I will say that jobs like that could be done on rotation. Kind of like how some societies have a mandatory stint in the armed services, there could be a mandatory 'herd' specific task to be done. So mining, farming, and other 'stationary' things that the average centaur would never do. I think it would be important for them to be that mix of permanent and nomadic. It's a cultural dichotomy indicative of their split personality of 'man' and 'horse'. Plus I love the image of that circular stone city, with wide streets suddenly being surrounded by miles of tents, making it live and breath with the seasons.

    As to the height that is what I was thinking. At the 'shoulder' no bigger than a horse, but likely a head or so taller. I was thinking about the same size. I agree about the crossbow, it would be possible but not very conducive. However they likely do have a wide range of bows. While I don't imagine the humanesque part to be particularly muscular, I do see the centaur as stronger, nativley, than the other humanoid races (well humans, elves, dwarves, etc the orcs and 'big' humanoid races are a different topic all together). It could be a covetous item to have, the centaur bow. Proving that you have strength (again this is about the average humanoids). Something we havn't talked about is any native magic they may have. I only mention it here because they may be able to infuse weapons that they craft with skills, talents, perks or some other such thing that the other races find valuable. I mean if the centaurs could create a necklace that could grant their fertility rate the elves would buy them and pay a premium for them! SO innate magic is something to think of as well.

    Something we've touched on but haven't broached is religion. I personally see them as having atleast two main divinities, a male and a female. I bring it up because religion can shape much of how a culture grows. I think there would be a common "natural" theme to any of their divines. Beyond that I haven't really thought to hard about it. The main would be a female that mimics the Matriarch on a divine scale. Perhaps the male could be the classic hunter/green man type.
    Jay likes this.
  5. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    Look what I found on DeviantArt! No nipples, no belly buttons!
    Jay likes this.
  6. Jay

    Jay Hiatus. LitRPG Author Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Yes, they do an awesome design. In the game, centaurs are masters of being quick on their feet and have a special ability that they can move out of range of an enemy, etc. due to their speed and agility. I actually really love the horns too. I couldn't find a good picture of the male centaurs, but their horns are thicker and heavier, almost ram-like so one could say they were left over from the ancient times of fighting even. It's a really neat design.

    And yes, I think "Matriarch" would be a profession. They would not only be focused on children, but they'd have to know diplomacy, accounting, and all the little details that a Matriarch would be required to keep track of for their group, which could be small or large depending. It would probably be a lifelong amount of training, not something that most would pick up in their later years. I could see a Matriarch not necessarily being expected to hunt, but being present during hunts when she's younger to experience it firsthand. The same with trading, farming, and even healing. She'd likely be expected as a young teenager to basically do "ride alongs" (for lack of a better word at the moment) with almost everyone so she had at least a fairly good idea of what all their tasks entailed.

    I like the idea of there being "sacred places" where basically the temples of their religions are based. A permanent settlement that probably more than one herd uses. It might be a tradition to give a priestess or priest every few years, or hunters/guardians from the herd. There might even be "games" about it and only a select few are chosen for the task so it brings a herd renown and honour to have their member chosen as a new priestess or new sacred guardian?

    The mining thing makes me wonder if centaurs are naturally somewhat claustrophobic? A lot of horses are. A lot of horses are spooked by trailers, going into tight spaces, etc. So mining might be extra hard because it goes against their natural instincts. That actually makes me wonder if warriors go into training to desensitize themselves to being uncomfortable with tight quarters and things touching their bellies and flanks...

    I like the idea of the chaise, although I bet they have to be really, really sturdy and likely heavy. That's why I'm waffling on how much furniture they have if they're mostly nomadic. "Settled" centaurs might have more furniture, but I assume a centaur probably weighs a good 700+ lbs. So anything they build to put their full weight on would have to be sturdy stone or really thick wood, maybe even solid metal. Of course, that hinges on how advanced their societies are as well.

    I like that idea for their religion as well. I'm taking a little inspiration from the Dothraki culture from GoT a bit, but I can see them having the Sun and the Moon as deities, one male and one female. Both definitely revered. I like the idea of the male god being a hunter/warrior type because that definitely suits the herd idea. The moon as a goddess is an old thought and it sort of works with Matriarchs as the idea of the moon changing, but the same can apply. The knowledge passes from mother to daughter, often with grandmother still alive, like the waning and waxing of the moon, ever-changing, but ever-present as well.
    RauthrMystic likes this.
  7. Viergacht

    Viergacht Thunderdragon LitRPG Author Roleplaying Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    It's funny how you are all trying to bend centaurs back into human romantic norms.
    RauthrMystic likes this.
  8. Jay

    Jay Hiatus. LitRPG Author Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    o_O We are? How so?
    RauthrMystic likes this.
  9. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    I"m curious about that too. to be fair we are humans and human culture is the only culture we have to base anything off of. I think we've done a good job of trying to think organically, from the prospect of a horse for the main structure of the herd. But if we've missed something I'd certainly like to know. can't fix it otherwise!
    Jay likes this.
  10. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    That's exactly what I was thinking for the Matriarch as well. It's a tough position due to the years of training not to mention the birthing and rearing of children. So in this society a matriarch isn't the 'female head of the family unit', she has been trained to lead when she first showed 'signs' as a filly. I also think that the Matriarchy is a pseudo religious position. I don't think it is officially but they are so revered. Likely above priests and priestesses. I say that because the training would be different for those two paths. While it's important for the Matriarch to understand the religion of her people, it's not important for the Totems? Shamans? Priests?...to be immersed in various cultures and paths of the herd as a whole. Also, I still have this silly idea of the religious folk having special secret fighting styles. I'm not opposed to the matriarchy being immersed within the religion its' just not necessary.

    I do like the idea that the 'cities' they have are built around their temples or places of great worship. For some reason I see a lot of building being done out of stone but I suppose some sites might be built out of timber. When I mentioned the chaise I was thinking of it more as a "statue" than a piece of furniture. I'm sure they have the ability to move it but the average person would not be able to handle it. It would just be too heavy. I think if they built it of wood, which they might very well be masters at, it would be just as dense. I agree that there wouldn't be much furniture. I think I said last time that I see pedestal tables, and that's so that the horse body can fit underneath it easily if walking by. They probably stand around tables for eating, playing cards, dice, etc. From what you said there may be lean posts around the table instead of chairs.

    I like the idea of different herds having to 'send' warriors or what have you to man the temple city...or centaur the temple city? hmm doesn't work does it? The religious orders are their and well trained in protection as well. School is likely a 'year round' affair and done in sections rather than terms. Since much of their culture follows where the food goes, or the temperature or whatever the reason they travel a lot. So school must work around that. a child would require certain sections to be completed and tested. The school would teach them all the time. It sounds a bit chaotic but I think it would work. In fact I don't think traditional teaching would work for them at all. I see the 'school' as a big open structure, with internal walls, but no external ones. Likely man buildings grouped together. Hmmm that would prove problematic in the winter time though. Hmm OH! they fourth wall could be thick canvas/tent wall! yay.

    Sacred Guardian huh? I think that sounds like a prestigious position. Perhaps it's one of the religious sects. This one focusing on warriors with a certain trait. I see them as a cross between a paladin and a ranger if we speak in d&d terms. They protect their part of the wild, but they also protect their people. It would be quite rigorous and different from either the warrior or hunter paths. Not to imply that any of these paths are easy. I don't see the centaurs as an easy people. Laid back? sure and almost certainly (at least amongst themselves). They appreciate life in a way most humans never do, and they revere nature and it's patterns. I was going to suggest a divine for 'the wild', that which represents the untamed lands that they inhibit. their reverence for it is one of the reasons they don't settle down as we like to think of it. They have a natural distaste for farming and mining for that reason. They don't look down on farmers, or miners, in fact they likely feel sorry for them. They *have* to stay in one place and live in a different rhythm than their kin. They aren't Guardians, religious leaders and followers, and they're not of the very young of very old. I do agree that mining would be a difficult job and one that is likely shared amongst the herds as a whole, and I think you were right in pointing out that they are likely to do open pit mining even if it's not as environmentally friendly as a normal mine. Farming...I've watched a few BBC 2 documentaries on farming (Farming in the Tudor time, farming in Edwardian time, and farming during the Great War..ww1) and farming life takes some dedication. Knowing when to reap and when to sew, knowing the various crops to plant that will keep everyone fed through the year, growing different guardians with the favorite edibles. That's not including things like pigs, sheep, cows, or goats if they have them. So farmers are another one that takes some training to be good at.

    You know the Sun has precedence within human history of being a female too! It really depends on, culturally, how they became. For arguments sake lets say the Matriarch is represented by the sun. It is the giver of life, it brings warmth and protection from the cold, and it is wrathful if disrespected. The moon could very well be the hunter, changing to suit his quarry, shining bright enough to see by but not so bright as to blot out the stars that are used to navigate, and finally hiding his face and not hunting when it's time. The warrior bit is harder to represent, it would be easy to go with mars type star that shines red in the night sky (or planet ...i said star but meant planet, though some stars shine red I suppose). The wild...would be a genderless being I think. It cares not about the trivial aspects of male and female. It is a primal force.
    Jay likes this.
  11. Jay

    Jay Hiatus. LitRPG Author Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Same! I'm not insulted. If there's something that needs to be fixed, I'd like to know. It's hard to be 110% not "human influenced" since...well, we're human. I'm trying to find a decent medium plus I'm working under the idea that centaurs are partially human so likely have somewhat similar thought patterns. Heck, I'm always open to critiques and improvements though!
    RauthrMystic likes this.
  12. RauthrMystic

    RauthrMystic Elf Beta Reader Citizen Aspiring Writer

    Midwest, USA
    ON the topic of race I just read Rogue Dungeon by James Hunter and Eden Hudson. The MC is a Troll and it *matters* It impacts his entire 'play style'. I highly recommend it!
    Viergacht and Jay like this.

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